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We Plan with You.

A Care Plan is a road map offering step-by-step guidance to help the older adult reach their optimal health and life situation. Each Care Plan developed by ElderCare Solutions (ECS) is uniquely tailored to the needs of the elder and their family/guardian.

Care Plans contain recommendations for the following types of services, as appropriate:

Each Care Plan includes our recommendations and rationale for every aspect of the plan. We also suggest priority needs and short as well as long-term expectations and goals.

After discussion and agreement on the Care Plan, the elder and family/guardian will decide how they want ECS to be involved in the implementation. Options range from the family/guardian assuming full responsibility for implementatin of the Care plan to engaging ECS to assume many or all of the implementation responsibilities. Caregivers who are geographically distant from elders often elect to delegate more responsibility for implementation to ECS staff.

Implementation responsibilities may include:

With ECS, older adults and their family/guardians can select the amount and level of service which best meets the need. Our expertise in caring for older adults and our familiarity with local resources make ECS an ideal partner. Call us at 630.416.2140 to learn more about how a Care Plan can help.